Lindsay Lohan Begins House Arrest

Lindsay Lohan Begins House ArrestThe reality is that Lindsay just can’t seem to keep herself out of trouble and now her punishment has finally come around. Lohan has managed to escape jail this time, instead she has been placed under house arrest.

Lohan turned herself in to the Lynwood Jail earlier today but as it was determined she is a non-violent offender, she was eligible for home confinement. An electronic ankle monitor will make sure that Lohan doesn’t stray from her premises in Venice, California.

The actress will also be serving 480 hours of community service – mostly at a downtown women’s shelter but also on janitorial duty at the L.A. County morgue. But the judge won’t allow her to begin this until after she completes her house arrest.

Lohan made a statement to Access Hollywood earlier this month after her sentence was handed down;

“I am glad to be able to put this past me and move on with my life and my career. I support the judge’s decision and hold myself accountable for being in this situation….I have already started my community service at the Downtown Women’s Center and thank everyone there for their warm welcome. I hope to be able to fulfill my obligation without any press attention. I think the media spotlight should be on issues such as homelessness and domestic violence instead of on me.”


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