Word on the web is the legendary horror writer Clive Barker is being sued by his ex-boyfriend for giving him HIV. The worst part is that is not even all of it. According to the ex-boyfriend – Emilian David Armstrong – after Clive gave him HIV he then decided that he would kick him out on the streets as well. Harsh!
Emilian has a daughter that he had before he and Clive got together and she had also moved into Clive’s place to make matters worse.
Armstrong is stating that he has known since 1996 that he was HIV positive. Furthermore, he states Barker was the one who was tested and found out first and then told him that he needed to be tested as well. This is why Armstrong is so sure that Clive Barker is the one who he caught HIV from.
It gets worse.
Armstrong is also claiming that Barker confessed to him that he had sexual relationships with a cousin who has AIDS and he has also participated in sexual encounters that involved the use of syringes.
Armstrong also says that the reason he has waited so long to file the lawsuit is because they have been trying to work on their relationship yet since 2003 things have not been going so well.