Yauch Cancer Update

Beastie Boys rapper Adam ‘MCA’ took the time to give the fans an update on how his cancer treatment was progressing, stating that he’d had surgery and is due to start radiation therapy soon.

Last month, Yauch revealed that he had been diagnosed with cancer of the preaortic gland and lymph node.

The band postponed all commitments in order for the rapper to receive treatment. Yauch has since sent an email message out to fans who have signed up at the band’s website, in which he explained that he had refused painkillers during his treatment so far.

“I’m about a week and a half out of surgery now and rapidly recovering from it,” he explained. “I haven’t taken any of the pain meds, which supposedly speeds along the healing process, or should I say, taking them slows it down.

Best Wishes to him in the battle.


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