A 32-year-old women jumped over the fence and in to the polar bears during their feeding time at Berlin Zoo yesterday.
Despite six zookeepers’ efforts to distract the four predators kept in the enclosure, the woman was bitten several times on her arms and legs.
Shouldn’t the title actually read, “Idiot jumps in with polar bears. No Polar Bears were injured”? Kind of a misleading title floating around the internet on that story.
This is approximately the 5-6 time this kind of thing has happened at a zoos around the world in the last year and a half. Each time the Zoo and animal got blamed.
What is worse is the last time an Orangutan got out of its enclosure what did he do? He hung out in front until the zoo keepers came in trucks, he then walked over, climbed in the back of the truck so they could take him back to put him inside. He didn’t attack or hurt anyone.
World Zoo Today
She may not have faired as well with Omaha’s river otter!
This lady is an idiot. She deserved to get bit!
this is the dumbest thing ever how can any one jump into the poler bear cage it is just stupid i mean what was she thinking. jumping into the poler bear tank the animal had all the reason attaking the woman i mean wouldent you ?