Will Smith was caught on video on Friday slapping a Ukrainian reporter across the face in Moscow during the premiere of Men in Black 3.
Will Smith became angry because the reporter tried to kiss him on the lips on the red carpet. Before proceeding to slap the reporter Will Smith shoved him away in a rage and the next thing you know the back of his hands were going across the reporters face.
There is a video below that allows you to see exactly how pissed Will Smith was by this gesture.
What next?
After Will Smith had shoved the reporter and back handed him he stated he was lucky that he did not receive a sucker punch from him. However, the reporter is said to be one of the ones who kisses celebrities often. We wonder if this will change which gender he kisses.
Will Smith is one of the supporters of gay marriage. People who were nearby when the incident took place however say that the reporters mouth brushed Will’s which caused him to get violent. However, the good news is even though this incident took place, Will Smith managed to get back into a positive mood, do interviews, and sign autographs for his fans.