Who Ruined Ashton’s and Demi’s Marriage?

Who Ruined Ashton’s and Demi’s Marriage?The media was finally able to track down Ashton Kutcher’s alleged mistress 22 year old Sara Leal. She is the woman who was said to have slept with Ashton back in the summertime. However, Sara Leal does not feel that she is the reason for the divorce because she told reports that Ashton and Demi were already have marital problems long before she came into the picture.

The media seems to feel strongly that it is all Sara’s fault. However, now since Sara has made her statement it is possible that there is something else going on with Ashton and Demi that we do not know about as of yet due to the fact that it does seem quite strange for Demi to file for divorce months later after the incident. Why wouldn’t she file the first time Ashton cheated or back in the summer?

Are there more girls that Ashton has been sleeping around with or did Demi possibly catch Ashton in the act with another woman. Soon enough we are sure all of the dirty laundry will be aired. Then, of course there is the scenario that while Ashton was out playing around, Demi was playing too and found someone who treated her special and decided she no longer needed Ashton.


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