Who is Just Not into Being a Celebrity – Brie Larson, That’s Who

Brie Larson opened up about the truth of being too hard on herself and how she is finding her status as a celebrity quite challenging.  She stated that she is just a person and that she does not actually know any more than anybody else does, but now under a celebrity status people care about what she has to say.  She struggles on a daily basis with this fact and she hopes that people will remember that she too is also super-duper flawed.

The actress Brie Larson, believes that her self-criticism comes from being obsessed with finding the truth.  Finding the truth is a quest that can and will become extremely exhausting.  Although she does struggle with her inner conflict of being within the spotlight she remains very adamant about enjoying her craft.

Her Statements Show What She Feels About the Limelight

Brie Larson stated that although she does not like the celebrity spot light, she feels as if that is ok and that there is a lot of great things that comes from it as she struggles to make her own meaning.   She continued to state that she wants to create more opportunities for many different people. This so that they would be able to tell their own stories to others around them. She is currently in a position where she would be able to direct movies and produce them, or even create those opportunities for other people. What she struggles with makes it all worthwhile.  She also did make a note that of course there are downsides as with everything, but she would not in fact trade it for anything else or different in the world.

Brie also stated that the friendship that she has with Emma Stone as well as Jennifer Lawrence saved her life.


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