White supremacists plotted to kill Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Fox News reports that two neo-Nazi skinheads, Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman 18, have been arrested for allegedly planning to go on a killing spree, shooting and beheading black people and then killing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

The two white supremacists reportedly plotted to kill more than 100 people and their plan was to initially target a predominantly black school.

According to, Cowart and Schlesselman met online and planned to carry out the massacre dressed in white top hats and tuxedos (!). The British news site also reports that the two neo-Nazis intended to kill Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama by driving at him in high speed and firing from their vehicle.

The two suspects were charged by federal authorities yesterday with possessing an unregistered firearm, conspiring to steal firearms from a federally licensed gun dealer, and threatening a candidate for president. They were being held without bond.

Watch Barack Obama answer questions about the foiled plot to assassinate him, here!

Video: Obama Reacts To Death Threat

You can read more about this scary story at


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2 Responses to “White supremacists plotted to kill Barack Obama”

  1. Liz says:

    This is really, really sad. And to know that there are SO many other people who STILL think this way about people because they have darker skin. It’s ridiculous. These racist, homophobic hicks are living in a completely different century than the rest of us!

  2. don*k33zy says:

    Yea i wish one of these crackers will kill our BLACK president.its gone be war in this jaint cuz, str8 up…blacks against whites lets get it..whites wont stand a chance…