What Celebs are Saying About the New ‘American Sniper’ Movie

So many people out there are either one way or another when it comes to the ‘American Sniper’ movie and with this being said, you might not have heard about the celebs out there and their positions on the movie or where they stand when it comes to the country full of people talking poorly about it. This is expected to come with such a strong, controversial movie that has taken a lot of thought and put a lot of personal emotions into it.

What Some are Saying 

Michael Moore stated that he thinks this movie is not right at all, and that snipers are cowards and will shoot you in the back whenever they get the chance. While he didn’t specifically say anything about the movie or about the sniper in the movie specifically, he stated he was speaking from personal experience. A lot of people felt that his words were not justified and that it was a horrible thing for them to say. Especially Blake Shelton.

Not only did he stick up for the movie, that he did not see yet, but he stood up for the soldiers that put their lives on the line each and every day for people to be able to say the things they say. Not only is he grateful for all the soldiers do, but he is standing by the positive side of the movie, even when other people do not feel the need to stand by it or say nice things.

While so many other people out there are also not speaking a lot about the movie, so many more are inspired or upset by it. There is always going to be some sort of controversy when it comes to watching these movies or even making them and Clint Eastwood knew he was going to strike a nerve, but this is what makes him one of the best movie makers in the world. He can take that raw emotion from you and bring it out in a way that moves you. This is more than what we can say about a lot of other people.


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