When it comes to the cancelation of ‘The Interview’ many people believe that Sony gave into the hackers, and that they just wanted to create a stir in things. However, South Korea is denying everything, stating that they were not the hackers that did this. They were not responsible for something like this, and that they are backing many additional things to worry about the movie that was set to be opened on Christmas Day.
While this might be true, the president of the United States, did not think it was something that Sony should have taken like they did, and they shouldn’t have stopped the movie. In response to the President, they put it back up to air in the theaters on Christmas Day. This is something that makes everyone happy about the outcome, but what happens to the hackers now. The President believes that it was indeed, South Korea that hacked into the system, though they say they didn’t but there is not much else that was said about the disturbing hackers.
As of right now, we do not have too much information that follows with this event, only what has been said and the conference that the President had held about it. They have covered their bases and want to make sure that they have them covered when the time comes to protect the information from those celebrities out there that do not want their personal information shared with the world. This is just something that should go without saying.
South Korea states they are not in control in this little showdown, but who was if it wasn’t them? What do they want? Why do they want to stop the production of a movie that is not based on true events?
The world may never know, but the government is definitely looking into it and making sure that they cross their T’s and dot their I’s to make sure that no one is able to cross paths. It is just a movie, after all. Why would someone go through so many loops to just stop the production of one movie?