Yesterday, Demi broke the news that she was ready to divorce Ashton. Now everyone is wondering does she finally believe what Brittany Jones has been saying. As some of you may know Brittany Jones is one of Ashton’s supposed to be mistresses.
Word about Brittany first came out in 2010. Jones claimed she had met the celebrity at a bowling alley and he told her that he and his wife were in an open relationship. However, everyone assumed that Brittany was lying due to the fact that not long after she released the information she released a sex tape and none of the scenes featured Ashton.
Brittany tells the media that she hopes people will finally believe her now that Ashton is being exposed. However, she also stated that she feels for Demi and she hopes that Demi is able to make it through her tough time okay.
As for Ashton it currently seems that he is not too concerned about the divorce due to the fact that after he was information he still went on the set of “Two and a half men”. From what photographers noticed he did not seem really to upset about the whole thing.