Krispy Kreme Doughnuts are apparently one of Victoria Beckham’s favourite things to eat, so much so that she sends her chauffeur out to collect them, but rather than devouring her favourite in just a few bites Victoria can make one doughnut last for hours!
A family friend revealed all to the Daily Star Newspaper regarding Victoria’s penchant for the tasty treats as they said, “Krispy Kremes are her favourite. She sometimes cuts one into pieces and then picks at it. It’s like a reward for her hard work to have a piece every hour or so.”
Victoria even has a favourite flavour of doughnut too as the source said, “Her fave flavours are Millionaire’s Shortbread and White Chocolate Almond Praline.”
Victoria Beckham is clearly careful about what she eats, but cutting up a Krispy Kreme Doughnut into small pieces is sacrilege is it not? Surely you have to have a whole one, if not two, with a nice cup of tea or coffee otherwise there is no point in having one at all.