Totally Ridiculous Warning Labels

Now we don’t necessarily see humanity at large as idiots, but in some cases, apparently we should.

The warning labels listed below might SEEM ridiculous to you, but in each case, the product manufacturer was compelled to place the warning labels on the product because someone… some presumably intelligent adult, actually DID the thing that this warning label resulted from… and thought they should be able to sue because the label didn’t warn them not to do it.

Kinda like the whole. McDonalds Coffee is hot episode. Or warning you that Amy Winehouse could be hazardous to your health?? Common sense is TRULY not so common.

– Chlorox Bleach wipes warning label–Do not use as diaper wipes for  personal hygiene (well that SHOULD be common sense.. guess not.)

– A Motorola Cell Phone Manual Warns: Don’t Try to Dry Your Phone in a Microwave Oven (alrighty we can see where that might be needed, but what about this next one…

– iPod Shuffle Warns: Do Not Eat iPod Shuffle (nuff said about the state of intellect in the US…)

– ExtenZe Male Enhancement Pill warns: Do Not Use While Pregnant or Nursing (okay we don’t even BEGIN to know why this one needed said and we’re not sure we want to ask)

– Every New Washing Machine–Warning label Do Not Put Any Person in This Washer (hm there was actually a lawsuit over this.. amazing)

– Razor Scooter Warns: This Product Moves When Used (well ya don’t say?)

– CHILDRENS Dimetapp warns you: Be Careful When Driving a Motor Vehicle (Makes good sense to us..  kids 6-12 could be hurt falling asleep at the wheel after using Dimetapp)

And last but certainly not least, this final bit of wisdom:

– Fishing Hook label Warns: Harmful If Swallowed

We don’t know about you, but if all these labels are REALLY necessary.. we WEEP for the future…


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