Tina Fey does Sarah Palin – SNL parody of VP debate (Video)

Tina Fey returned to Saturday Night Live to impersonate Sarah Palin in a parody of Thursday’s vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.

This skit is aired on 10/04/2008.

Queen Latifah plays moderator Gwen Ifill.

If you’re having trouble with getting the video to appear, click here.


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3 Responses to “Tina Fey does Sarah Palin – SNL parody of VP debate (Video)”

  1. Nell says:

    I just loved the first skit Tina Fey did as Sarah Palin, but this one was even better!!!

  2. ViXEN says:

    Totally agree!!! Tina Fey was born to play Sarah Palin…she does her sooo well!

  3. movie fan says:

    it’s no big mystery why the GOP won’t schedule any more unscripted air time for Palin