Tila Tequila Accused of Kidnapping Woman

Tila Tequila Accused of Kidnapping WomanTila Tequila is once more in the news for something untoward. This time, however, the charges against her are really bizarre. An L.A.-based photographer is accusing the former reality star of kidnapping his girlfriend.

Allegedly, Tila along with four men armed with firearms, took his girlfriend hostage and later threatened to physically harm him and if his girlfriend called the cops.

Garry Sun, is the gentleman making these outrageous claims. He is reportedly so shook up by the incident that he has filed a restraining order against Tequila.

The story really is a strange one. Sun claims that Tequila, along with her armed “gang” took his girlfriend from her house and forced her to get on a plane to Los Angeles.

According to Tila, the whole entire story is a bunch of lies. She claims that Sun is mad because he lost his job working on her website. She is accusing him of being a bitter employee who wants to get even by going to the press in an attempt to generate bad publicity.


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