Tiger Woods Neighbors Daughter

Tiger Woods Nike CommercialIt is apparent that there is another woman that you can add to Tiger Woods’ huge list of affairs that has been forming.

A 22 year old neighbor of his is speaking out to the public and saying that Tiger and her had sex one night after he took her out to a party.

She says Tiger asked her to join him at a party at a friends house where the two shared some beers mixed with rum. When they finished their drinks it is said that they drove all the way back to Tigers mansion, where quite obviously his wife was not present that night and the two had sex in his office.

Her name is Raychel Coudriet and she said she was greatly offended that Tiger was just having another one night stand with her and it has affected her still today.


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2 Responses to “Tiger Woods Neighbors Daughter”

  1. cynny says:

    here goes another lady waiting to tell her story about her one night stand with tiger woods. isnt it sad that tiger has done these things with other woman. im sure his reputation is tarnished badly with all his affairs being made public, but he should have realised that he was going to get caught in the end and he did. lets hope he doesnt make the same mistakes again otherwise maybe he wont have a wife and family to go home to anymore.

  2. Nicole says:

    i hope that people dont believe that 18 year old! she just wants to be popular and make some money! she just wants attention! whats done is done and everyone should just leave tigar alone!!!!!