Rotten Celebrity Parents

Why? While some might say that Ozzy and Sharon are the coolest parents in the whole wide world, we think they are pretty rotten. How else can you explain the fact that their daughter, Kelly, was a drug addict at the age of 13?
And their son Jack… Well, he got drunk for the first time when he was 14 and was, just a few years later, admitted to a child psychiatric ward for an addition to OxyContin. Where were Ozzy and Sharon when all this took place, we wonder. Sure, their mansion is big, but it can’t be THAT big…

Why? Supermodel Kate Moss landed on No. 19 on our list of Rotten Celeb Parents because she was busted for cocaine possession and used to let her daughter spend time with her crazy, drug addict boyfriend, Pete Doherty. She also made this list because she forgot her own kid’s third birthday. What kind of mom does that?
More Kate Moss news.

Why? As all of you probably already know, it was Larry Birkhead who turned out to be the biological father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby girl, Danielynn. But after winning the lengthy custody battle against Smith’s lawyer and husband Howard K. Stern – among others – it was clear that Birkhead didn’t fight for his fatherly rights just because of his love for his daughter, but also for the truckloads of cash that the baby might bring him in the future.
And he has already made some dough of his little baby girl by granting interviews and photo ops… That Larry was in such a hurry to make money off the fact that he was the one with “the most potent sperm” makes him a pretty rotten parent in our book.

Why? Because this Hollywood couple has been engaged in such an extremely public custody dispute that it will haunt their two daughters for the rest of their lives! Richards has accused Sheen for visiting prostitutes and for having both gambling and drug problems. She has also said that Sheen has threatened to kill her and that he thinks that formula causes brain damage. Sheen has denied all these allegations and has in turn claimed that Richards has requested his sperm in order to have another child.
Strangely enough, the couple has finally reached an agreement regarding the custody of the kids, but the fact remains – parents who publicly humiliate each other and in the long run their own children, are rotten!

Why? Because, according to reports, actress Joan Crawford was a cruel and unusual mom. It is said that she used to abuse her kids in weird ways. The rumor has it that she showered her daughter Christina with gifts, just to force her to give them away and that she cut her daughter’s hair off when she found out that she was using makeup.
Crawford adopted five children, though she raised only four. A year and a half after Crawford’s death (she died in 1977), her daughter Christina published a bestseller entitled, “Mommie Dearest” (it later became a movie), which contained allegations that Crawford was emotionally and physically abusive to both her and her brother, Christopher.

Why? Sorry, but we just had to include Jennifer Aniston’s mom, Nancy Aniston, on our list, even though she is not really famous. And why did we? Well, because this mom from hell granted an interview about her daughter to a tabloid television show to capitalize on her daughter’s fame. But when Jennifer got angry and cut all ties with her mother, what did Nancy do? Patch things up with her daughter? No, instead she wrote a book called “From Mother and Daughter to Friends: A Memoir”. The book was all about how to cope with estrangement from an adult child. How disgusting is that?

Why? Because Drew Barrymore‘s mom (who is probably most famous for posing for Playboy) showed her daughter how to party when she was just a kid. It is said that Jaid took Drew to Studio 54 almost before the child could walk. Drew was drinking at the age of nine and was snorting cocaine at 13. It is a miracle that the girl turned out sooooo great…

Why? Because Pamela Anderson brings home every weirdo she can find and after a few dates simply marries them… Since it can’t be easy for her kids, Brandon and Dylan, to get a new step dad every other month or so, we think Pamela Anderson deserves her own special place in this “Rotten Celeb Parents” category…
More Pamela Anderson news.

Why? Because Dina is freeloading off her own daughter. The now famous Dina Lohan, actress Lindsay Lohan’s mother, is trying to cash in on Lindsay’s fame and she has succeeded – she now has her own reality show! She even showed up at her own daughter’s birthday party with a whole camera crew – just to make a few extra bucks off her beloved offspring – That’s just immoral and totally rotten!

Why? Because the famous actor got the bubbly Melanie B. from Spice Girls pregnant and then refused to believe that the kid was his. A paternity test later showed that the child actually was Eddie’s, and he now takes care of the kid by paying child support… Do we need to say more?
More Eddie Murphy news.

Why? Because it is said that both Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown used to smoke crack in the house while their kid was there – a fact that makes them bad parents in our book! The couple is now divorced and Whitney has custody of their daughter.
Both Whitney and Bobby have been in rehab multiple times, and Brown has a long criminal record which includes arrests for drug possession, DUI, battery and violating parole.Whitney met Bobby at the 1989 Soul Train Music Awards. They got married in 1992 and had their daughter the year after. The Brown Bomber also has three other kids with different women.

Why? Because the former “Baywatch” star’s parental skills (or lack thereof) are a classic example of when a kid becomes the parent’s parent. Just take a look at the video Hasselhoff’s own daughter, Taylor Ann, shot of her shirtless dad when he is totally wasted. In the video, Hasselhoff is TRYING to eat a hamburger while his daughter tells him that he cannot drink any more alcohol!
More David Hasselhoff news.

Why? Because Courtney Love took, according to some magazines, heroin while she was pregnant. Love says that this is all a lie, but eleven years after she gave birth to her baby she lost custody of the child – after she overdosed on Oxycontin and got arrested for possession.
More Courtney Love news.

Why? Simply because Woody Allen married his own stepdaughter – a fact that makes him a really nasty dad in our book. By the way, all of you who say that you can’t love your kids too much – Mr. Allen has proved you wrong!

Why? Because Linda and Terry Bollea aka Hulk Hogan have been using their 17-year-old son, Nick, as a mediator in their bitter divorce, causing him to become introvert! Since we feel terrible sorry for Nick, we simply had to include his parents on our list!
However, we can’t go to the next on our list without mentioning the latest scary story that has surfaced – that Hulk has had a sexual affair with his daughter’s best friend, Christane Plante. Now that’s just simply rotten!
More Hulk Hogan news.

Why? Well, because the actress used her own daughter to get back at her ex husband, Alec Baldwin. In order to hurt her ex, Kim Basinger allegedly leaked a nasty voicemail (see the Alec Baldwin listing below) to the media. This proves to us that she doesn’t care all that much about her 11-year-old daughter’s feelings. The tape was played all over the world and all that Kim really accomplished was humiliating her own daughter. A more inconsiderate mom is hard to find and that’s why Kim Basinger is No. 5 on our Rotten Parents List!

Why? Well, because Mr. Baldwin left an awful and very abusive message to his little 11-year-old daughter, in which he called her a “thoughtless little pig”. In the voice message that somehow was leaked to the media (probably by the child’s own mother, Baldwin’s ex wife, Kim Basinger), he says: “I don’t give a damn that you’re 12-years-old or 11-years-old, or that you are a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do as far as I am concerned.”
But he does not stop there. He rambles on and even threatens his own daughter by saying: “I’m going to straighten your ass out when I see you”. Listen to the message and see for yourself why this dad made’s list of Rotten Celeb Parents.

Why? Even though we all know that the King of Pop loves children; we placed him on this list because a normal parent doesn’t dangle his baby from a balcony. Period.It was in November 2002, that Jackson traveled to Berlin to accept an award for his humanitarian efforts. Lots of fans had gathered outside his hotel room when Michael suddenly decided to show the excited crowd his kid… So he covered the baby’s face (!) and dangled his baby over the railing of the balcony. That’s just BAD!
More Michael Jackson news.

Why? To answer this question we need to take a trip down memory lane… As you all know O.J. Simpson was probably the one who killed the mother of his own kids back in 1994, even though he was acquitted of the murder. However, he was found liable for their wrongful deaths in civil court. To date he has just paid a small portion of the $33.5 million judgment.
But the story about O.J. doesn’t end there. Just last year, Simpson was charged with numerous felonies, including robbery with a deadly weapon, burglary with a firearm, assault with a deadly weapon and first-degree kidnapping with use of a deadly weapon (which carries a possible life sentence). That Simpson isn’t a great role model for his kids must be the understatement of the millennium…

Why? Well, Britney Spears has probably done everything a mother should NOT do. She has dropped one of her kids on the head, leaving him with a suspected fractured skull. She has been caught driving around with her son in her lap and she has partied so hard that she hasn’t had time to take care of her children or to even put her panties on. Last but not least, she has been hospitalized at a psychiatric clinic a couple of times…
But all that has nothing to do with why she made this Rotten Parents List. No, she is listed here because she managed to do something that we all thought was impossible: To lose custody of her two kids to her seemingly clueless ex husband and wannabe rapper, K-Fed.
More Britney Spears news.
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All of your “winners” deserve to be on the list, but as soon as Larry Birkhead schlepped his daughter to her mother’s grave to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of her death AND SOLD THE RIGHTS TO THE SPECTACLE, he deserved to be moved to the front of the line of bad parents.
While Larry might exploit his child for profit at least he has never hung Dannielynn out of a window. He comes nowhere near the likes of Britney or Michael Jackson. What rational person would let Britney have a child? She is all but certifiably insane and apparently doesn’t know anything about child safety. Driving around with her kids on her lap and not even a seatbelt…and now she’s talking in that ridiculous british accent, she could win Unfit Mother of the Decade!
I think the worst parents is the Osbournes.
this is so true espesilly kim bassinger and alec baldwin.
kim is so stupid because obviosley doesnt want him to now she said that and why did the kid say it anway did her mum make her say it ? please answer hot gossip:::::))))****
why did alec attack the child thats just over the top
and send that nasty message i hope this goes to court and get this handeled because its not right.
from nancey
I always feel that celebrity parents make pretty bad parents in general because of their busy lifestyles. Also the security needed for the children can be very intrusive.
I think Britney’s parents deserve their own special mention. If my kid was carted off to a psychiatric facility earlier this year, i would not have her out promoting an album, performing and worst of all have allowed a documentary film crew to follow her closely for months. I would have her out of the spotlight completely for at least a year and in serious therapy. In britney’s documentary she said that the only therapy she was getting was ‘dancing’. It can be done, at the height of her fame Demi Moore left hollywood and moved to utah and remained there for 8 years, no paparazzi, no press just normality. Jamie Spears should be ashamed of himself!!!
A glaring omission from this list is Ryan O’Neal, who punched his son’s teeth in and, most recently, assaulted him with a gun; took drugs with his children; exploited his daughter’s success in “Paper Moon” and took her to Studio 54 when she was still in her single digits and slept with her then-friend, Melanie Griffith; and told Tatum, who attempted suicide (and who could blame her?), that she was “doing it wrong” and next time, to cut her wrists THIS way. That’s just a partial list. This guy is the biggest pile of toss for a parent ever. If he does end up dying of the cancer he’s currently battling, I wouldn’t blame his kids for avoiding the funeral. He deserves a slow death.
You might as well include the whole celebrity atmosphere. There are so many that give their children a bad reputation.
brittany murphy will go to heaven!
A completely accurate list, although I’m sure there are more that could be added, just need to think of them!
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
there are several “bad celebrity parents” that are missing from the list. one specific omission is john phillips of the mama’s and the papa’s. he got high with his 9-year-old daughter, shooting her up for the first time at 13-years-old, and subsequently turning her into a miserable drug addict. to make matters worse, he raped her on numerous occasions, while forcing an incestuous relationship upon her. he’s caused insurmountable physical and psychological damage to his own, and that is, in my book, as low as you could possibly get.