Teen Sailor Defends Her Parents

Aby SunderlandFemale teen sailor, Abby Sunderland, is defending her choice to attempt to sail around the world solo. She is also sticking up for her parents who have taken a beating in the media. “It’s hurtful to read and hear all the things that have been said about my parents,” she says. “It made me sad to see it. I can’t believe people would say things like that.”

Sunderland claims that her parents had no plans to create a documentary or television show. She is however, personally considering writing a book about her travels.

About her decision to sail solo, the teen claims that she was more then prepared for the voyage and that there was no irresponsibility whatsoever regarding her trip on her part or the part of her parents. Sunderland states that she doesn’t plan on another attempt at going solo for another few years. She wants to learn how to drive first.


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