Jenelle Evans is a name that we have become accustom to when it comes to the teen mom stars that stay in trouble. However, now she is being talked about because she has admitted to planning on having a boob job done. It you remember back on “Teen Mom” Farrah had went and gotten the same procedure done in hopes to engage her modeling career.
Jenelle Evans is getting breast implants simply because she no longer wants to have small breasts yet she doesn’t want to be too large either. It seems as though her mother and her boyfriend agree with her for once that she would be best at a “C cup”. As a matter of fact, it has been revealed that Barbara and Gary were both in the room with her while she was in consultation.
Publicly, Jenelle has not really said too much about it yet she did say, “Yes, I am soon”, so that confirms the rumors that are coming in from her friends.
Well at least she is not being publicized this time for doing something illegal or dating difficult boyfriends.