Pop sensation Taylor Swift has been in the news a lot over the past few weeks, mainly about her short lived relationship with One Direction star Harry Styles, but today she is in the news for some bizarre reason concerning her fan mail.
A box of fan mail addressed to Taylor Swift has been found by Kylee Francescan at a local recycling centre in America. Speaking to American news station Nashville News 2 Kylee said. “I was like, That’s weird. There were like hundreds of letters in there to Taylor Swift and I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh!”
She went on to add, “I didn’t know if they were stolen, so I threw them in a box, and I’m like, somebody needs to let Taylor know. I know how much her fans mean to her.”
Paula Erickson spoke on behalf of Swift saying, “ Taylor gets thousands of fan letters everyday and they are delivered to her management office. After the letters are opened and read, they are recycled. The only explanation for any letters being unopened would be that a small batch of mail that was supposed to be delivered to Taylor was accidentally put with letters headed for the recycling centre.”
Lets hope that the last statement from Paula Erickson is true and the letters were dumped by mistake. Popstars like Taylor Swift get paid millions and millions of dollars and responding to their fans with a signed photo, or something similar, should be something they embrace.