Surprise! Surprise! Jake and Vienna of Bachelor Fame Break Up

Jake and ViennaJake and Vienna of the Bachelor, recently announced, via their publicist, that their relationship is over. There will no wedding. Vienna reportedly packed her bags and left Jake to live solo.

Word on the street is that Vienna thought that Jake was a fame whore, who would constantly choose photo shoots and interviews over spending time with her (Well, he was on the Bachelor, what did she expect? Fame-Whore is probably his middle name).

Vienna’s step-mom was not surprised. She reported that Jake was never affectionate off-camera and that she suspected it was all about money and fame for him, not love for her step-daughter.

Lest you think the problems all lie with Jake, think again. Jake reportedly believes that Vienna cheated on him. She denies it.

Well, another reality TV couple who bites the dust?!! Wake me up when one stays together!!! Good Day All.


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