Spice Girl saves comatose girl

Geri HalliwellGeri Halliwell from Spice Girls helped save a young girl’s life by singing to her, according to a British tabloid.

This is how it all happened: After Geri visited a hospital and sang to a 14-year-old girl, who had been in a coma for six days after being stabbed over 20 times, the girl started to recover.

The girl’s mother had this to say about the amazing event that changed her daughter’s life: “Geri sang a couple of lines from one of the Spice Girls’ songs and Jessica [her daughter] started moving her arms and legs. It was amazing. We were all in fits of giggles because we were so relieved and it was just so funny seeing her legs move to Geri’s singing.”

The day after Geri’s visit, the young girl opened her eyes and is now in good health.


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