According to sources, the warden.. er.. we mean FATHER, of Britney Spears has taken the control freak thing to an all new level.
Spears cousin, and her former assistant clamed that she was ordered to stay away or face the legal music after Spears dad took control of her and her affairs.
Britney Spears’s cousin has claimed that she has been ordered to stay away from the popstar.
According to Heatworld, Alli Sims says that “I was told that if I picked up the phone when she called or if I called back, then I’d have to deal with the lawyers,” she explained.
“I decided to back away. I really didn’t have a choice, I don’t have the funds to fight it. I had to take myself out of the situation until she’s in control of her own life again. I feel bad for her because I’m sure she probably thinks that in a way I abandoned her.”
Sims, who once worked as Spears’s assistant, added: “Everybody wants to get something from her. It has got to the point where she doesn’t trust anybody, which breaks my heart.”
So.. which one wants something from her.. Sims or Dad? Does it seem to anyone else that instead just taking over complete control like a prison warden, it might be a ton more productive to just help her learn to good choices and teach her how to control of her OWN life?