A scene of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas raping Harrison Ford in a recent South Park episode has created a major controversy
In the episode ‘The China Problem’, the actor is shown in his Indiana Jones costume being raped by Jewish director Spielberg and producer Lucas in a scene that parodies Deliverance and The Accused. The episode aired on f Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday that fell on October 9.
Anti-Defamation League spokesperson Myrna Shinbaum told the New York Daily News: “South Park has been offensive and has had very anti-Jewish pieces in the past. We understand that the show is trying to satirise, but it may get lost on those who are haters.”
Steve Albani of Comedy Central said: “We don’t comment episode by episode on South Park or whether they cross the line, but South Park has a history, and people know what they are getting into when they watch it.”
Rape ’em all…let God sort ’em out!!!
Just for the record, I’m going to go on board as thinking South Park is a cartoon and a rape scene is probably not life altering on a cartoon thats well known for its bad taste..
…. and we’ll chalk that last comment up to just one more idiot shooting off his mouth..