South Park Rape Scene Creates Controversy

A scene of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas raping Harrison Ford in a recent South Park episode has created a major controversy

In the episode ‘The China Problem’, the actor is shown in his Indiana Jones costume being raped by Jewish director Spielberg and producer Lucas in a scene that parodies Deliverance and The Accused. The episode aired on f Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday that fell on October 9.

Anti-Defamation League spokesperson Myrna Shinbaum told the New York Daily News: “South Park has been offensive and has had very anti-Jewish pieces in the past. We understand that the show is trying to satirise, but it may get lost on those who are haters.”

Steve Albani of Comedy Central said: “We don’t comment episode by episode on South Park or whether they cross the line, but South Park has a history, and people know what they are getting into when they watch it.”


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2 Responses to “South Park Rape Scene Creates Controversy”

  1. DaDeville says:

    Rape ’em all…let God sort ’em out!!!

  2. Robbi says:

    Just for the record, I’m going to go on board as thinking South Park is a cartoon and a rape scene is probably not life altering on a cartoon thats well known for its bad taste..

    …. and we’ll chalk that last comment up to just one more idiot shooting off his mouth..