Simon Cowell Turns Down 2 Million Dollar Deal with Viagra

Simon Cowell Turns Down 2 Million Dollar Deal with Viagra

In an interview with Glamour magazine, Simon Cowell, 48, reveals that he was offered almost 2 million dollars to be the new face of Viagra.

The American Idol judge responded: “Sorry, but that has to be a f**king insult.”

Even though Simon claims that he doesn’t need any help in that department, he reveals for the magazine of other departments that he doesn’t mind using some extra help in.

“To me, Botox is no more unusual than toothpaste. It works, you do it once a year – who cares?”

Simon also admitted wearing platform shoes to make him appear taller: “They’re an inch high, maybe…”


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2 Responses to “Simon Cowell Turns Down 2 Million Dollar Deal with Viagra”

  1. Sarah says:

    of course he’d turn down that offer…i read that Simon is good for over $100 million!!

  2. Barry says:

    hey! for a hundred bucks i could be their new face!