Simon Cowell Takes Extreme Measures To Protect His Beloved Dogs

rsz_1simon_cowellAny parent would go to extreme lengths to protect their children, but it appears as though X-Factor boss Simon Cowell is putting his dogs before his son Eric because he has had an electric fence erected at his London Mansion to ward off foxes.

A neighbour of Cowell’s has allegedly seen a fox running through the gardens of his home in west London, so Cowell has acted to protect Squiddly and Diddly his Yorkshire Terriers. A source revealed all about the fox by saying, “There were signs of them in the garden and obviously Squiddly and Diddly would be no match for a fox.”

The source went on to say, “They have put a wire along one wall where they think foxes would come from. This shows how much they love the dogs.”

As the saying goes “A dog is a man’s best friend”, and it certainly looks as though Simon Cowell’s dogs Squiddly and Diddly are highly thought of in the Cowell household.


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