Sarah Palin Turkey Massacre (Video)

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin pardons a Thanksgiving Turkey in Alaska and then gives an interview as Turkeys are slaughtered right behind her.

Comments anyone???


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3 Responses to “Sarah Palin Turkey Massacre (Video)”

  1. Sarah says:

    This has got to be a joke…or maybe this is another SNL skit with Tina Fey…no way Palin could be this insensitive!!!

  2. Helen says:

    That is no joke! Thank God McCain didn’t win!

  3. Elise says:

    give it a rest people. i think it’s really lame to attack sarah palin for THIS… people eat them. first they need to die. did you think it was a process filled with rainbows and bunnies and cherries on top? oh yea helen, THANK GOD that mccain didn’t win, because lord knows that less turkeys would have died!
    …..and “BREAKING NEWS”???
    are you kidding me? throw a couple of dead babies from abortion into the background and no one would look twice! what the hell is wrong with this country!?