Sarah Palin fights back! (Video)

Unnamed sources within the McCain camp have told the media that Sarah Palin didn’t know that Africa was a continent and that she did not know the countries in the North American Free Trade Agreement.

In an interview with CNN, Palin calls the guys who have been talking to the media “jerks”. She also says that they have been taking things out of context…

What do you think? Are the accusations true or were her comments about NAFTA and Africa just taken out of context?


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One Response to “Sarah Palin fights back! (Video)”

  1. Robbi says:

    It seems to me that people are terribly frightened of what a strong woman who says what she thinks could accomplish. I don’t honestly believe that someone who has accomplished in politics and in life that she has could be that ignorant and only a fool WOULD believe it.. but in honesty the media plays us all for fools and quite often accomplishes that we believe something.

    For as much as I am an admirer of Obama, you will note that so much was hushed up that was negative during his campaign and that a great deal was hidden, or quieted down..

    .. I find whats happening now with Palin, even after the campaign, completely without merit and something that only the very low rent, most ignorant of Americans could possibly condone or be interested in.

    Now is not the time to kick people or say I told you so.. and anyone who is involved in those activities only promotes and provides for the separation of the parties that will keep this country in the shape it is in now..

    why on earth wouldn’t we all want to put the hard fought election behind us and move forward, to make those changes that we need to make.

    Anyone who is watching this drivel, or reporting it, or propagating that reporting is simply feeding into the kind of hard line party mindset that will continue to divide our country and prevent those positive changes from taking place.