SamRo Irritated by Flour Incident

Samantha Ronson is coming to her woman’s defense and has allegedly told PETA to back off.

“I’m pissed at the bag of flour thrown on Lindsay last night” blogged Samantha. She added that the woman who doused Lindsay not only “acted liked an animal herself” but that it was actually an “insult to animals to group her in with them.

According to TMZ, Sam also calls PETA’s previous apologies too little too late, and insists they should actually thank celebrities who wear fur since they are one of the only things keeping the agency relevant.(just a tip PETA folks.. not all publicity is GOOD publicity.. although that was the last century outlook as I recall.

PETA, whose caveman style, less than honest approach to animal rights is relevant?   When did this happen and why weren’t we told?


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2 Responses to “SamRo Irritated by Flour Incident”

  1. Mary says:

    What a bunch of idiots.
    Speaking of cave people. PETA is right there aren’t they.
    Don’t care how you slice it, if you promote being violent as a means to find a solution, then you’re just asking for someone to return the action.

    How about if we toss pig blood at the idiots who think that PETA violent acts are okay?

    These are the same whiners who are screaming for bringingin home the troops cus violence and war are wrong, but its okay to assault someone on the street.
    PETA’s approach, and in fact the whole group, is a dead issue. They aren’t relevant they’re comic relief.

  2. Robbi says:

    I agree completely Mary.. aside from the obvious reasons.. and I’ve posted so in other places as well.
    PETA has long since outlived any usefulness they have had initially due to their outmoded and archaic methodology.
    For the idiots who haven’t thought of it.. animals die EVERY day of natural causes.. HOW do you know the leather she wore wasn’t a cow who dropped dead in a field..
    So.. its better.. if there is a dead one.. to just landfill them all?
    PETA doesn’t of course remind you of common sense things.. that would make it so much less media wonderful.

    THe same people who are applauding the flouring and the bombings that PETA’s money allegedly helps to finance.. the same cretins who think its okay to assault people violently on the streets like this.. are the no violent war protesting folks and for me that doesn’t wash..

    PETA are cavemen, who havent’ yet realized that incidence of attacking people on the street are no different in the SLIGHTEST way than going to war and using violence to achieve something.

    If you get it by being violent.. by FORCING people to choke down your viewpoint.. then you become something less than the person who is wearing the fur..

    and in point of fact.. you didn’t make a change.. you forced one, just like any other petty dictator, and as soon as your sorry ass is not around to force it anymore.. those changes won’t last.
    PETA needs to grow up and move with the times.. this isn’t 1960…

    For the idiots who thinks that inhaling flour isn’t a bad thing..and it was a non violent protest, then they require a bit of education.. let me tell you as a nurse, that it can be very deadly to inhale any powder in volume.. Did this woman STOP for one second and ask herself if it was going to kill her.. I doubt it.. Flour is the same as inhaling any other kind of dust with a twist.. if you have the slightest allergy to wheat.. it can kill you..
    It was a deadly assault, not a minor thing at all.

    Flour dust causes some serious respiratory problems EVEN if you have no allergies or respiratory issues.. Get enough in your lungs and you stop breathing.. Dumping it on someones head is a fairly serious thing..It wasn’t a minor assault.. as anyone who has ever gotten flour in their face, or baby powder, or anything else can certainly tell you. A whole bag, in your face where you have NO option but to breathe it in.. can cause real problems…This womans stupid @ssed stunt could have killed the girl.