Rumor Mill:Paris Hilton Gets Busted For Pot Smoking

Paris HiltonIt wasn’t too long ago that Paris Hilton reportedly was busted for smoking pot in South Africa during the World Cup. After the smoke cleared, it was reported that someone in her entourage was smoking and not her. Well, it looks like Paris has gotten herself in trouble once again for a pot-related offense. She was recently detained on the island of Corsica after she was found to have weed in her purse, according to the AFP.
Hilton had less then an ounce of marijuana in her purse and was thus, let go. Paris denies the above, tweeting “So sick of people making up rumors about me. The latest one about me is completely false too. Don’t believe what you read. Silly nonsense.” Hmm, I’m not sure who to believe. I guess we will have to just wait and see what comes out of the aforementioned.


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