Gleaning some semblance of attention this week for what must be the first time all year, Roseanne Barr apparently struck a few chords with her diatribe about Brad and Angelina.
Not for nothing is the blog maintained by Ms Barr called Roseanne World. She is, or so it would seem, living in a tiny little universe all her own. Be that as it may, apparently her insults and commentary about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have garnered her a bit of attention and may have convinced the divine Rosie to backpedal just a bit, as viewed from Roseanne world.
“all celeb news is calling me to come on their shows and talk about my “attack” on brangelina. They say nothing about my attacks on howard dean, pumas, obama, hillary, maureen dowd, bush cheney, pelosi, congress, religion capitalism and satan though…I liked angelina til i heard her say she likes insane mccain for potus….
She continues with the insanity with her backpedaling on the Brangelina issue.
i do not know brangelina and do not mean to personally impugn them as they might be good people in the flesh, but the media’s images of them are smelly and vile, and I must always attack the media’s representation of what is good or cool, because those who inhabit the media world of glamour and entertainment and fashion and gossip are horrid people who have no talent of any kind, and yet think of themselves as tastemakers. taste my sandy buttcrack, tmz, and perez!
The rambling blogging of this minor celebrity make us wonder if she has taken to the ever popular Hollywood style “three martini breakfast”.
~Dies laughing~ She certainly looks drunk in that picture. Does anyone think this woman has an ounce of class?