Roethlisberger Investigated For Urine Incident

Ben RoethlisbergerIt looks like Roethlisberger (the Pittsburg Steeler’s quarterback) almost found himself in a world of trouble again, this time over urine. “Big Ben” was supposedly peeing in public, on a golf course.

A woman, upon seeing Ben in the act called the golf club’s pro shop and reported that a white, tall male sporting a blue golf shirt and khaki shorts was peeing into some trees on the course. She was notified that the mystery man was none other then Ben Roethlisberger himself. The woman upon gathering this information, proceeded to call the police (seems like a bit of overkill to me).

The cops came but made no arrest. They decided that no crime was committed and decided not to investigate any further. Whether or not the “urinator” was indeed Big Ben, it seems to us that the nosy lady could have saved the cops and her self some time and trouble by simply not calling in. The cops have much bigger fish to fry and crooks to catch. Maybe they should have arrested her for reporting a pointless crime.


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