Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Back Together Again?

R-Patz-and-KristenWill they or won’t they get back together? That has been the question on many peoples lips since Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson broke up for what seemed like the hundredth time earlier this year. Well yet another reconciliation looks to be on the cards as R-Patz was seen visiting his former girlfriend at the weekend.

The US gossip site X17 have a series of exclusive pictures on their website of Pattinson visiting the Los Feliz home he used to share with Stewart, a visit that lasted a good two hours. A source told the site the following. They said, “Rob looked nervous on his way to visit Kristen. He was trying to be discreet so no one would see him.”

The words discreet and Durango just don’t go together so however hard Pattinson was trying to be discreet his efforts clearly failed. The pair called a halt to their relationship back in May and ever since they have steered well clear of one another, but now it looks as though it is time to kiss and make up once again, until the next time at least! Keeping up to date with the love life of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson has more twists and turns than the streets of Monaco does it not?


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