Rioters Hit Jamie Oliver’s Restaurant

Rioters Hit Jamie Oliver's RestaurantThe recent riots in London, that also spread to other cities and are still ongoing have hit Jamie Oliver’s Italian restaurant in Birmingham. But on the other hand his cooking school in Clapham Junction was one of only a few unharmed shops in the area.

The celebrity chef took to twitter regarding the news;

“Sadly my restaurant in Birmingham got smashed up windows all gone whole area closed, cant open, staff and customers all safe!!thankfully jox,”

“My cookery school was in the thick of Clapham riot but seems there [sic] not interested in reading or cooking,”

He later wrote;

“Birmingham restaurant got fixed up quick, sad for so many of the other shop owners especially the small family run businesses in this climate,” he wrote. “Respect to the community support on the clean up people have ben [sic] amazing!!”

In Jamie’s own words “So sad to see what’s happening in UK with these riots!” Let’s hope the mess gets sorted out and fast.


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