Rihanna Ordered to Stop Filming Video shoot in Ireland

Rihanna Ordered to Stop Filming Video shoot in IrelandRihanna has caused offense whilst filming the video for her latest single, We Found Love in Northern Ireland, according to one local farmer at least. Alan Graham had granted permission for the video shoot to take place on his farm but when he came across a scantily clad Rihanna it was clearly too much for him, and he told her to stop.

Graham spoke to the BBC about the incident and said;

“I have an ethos and I felt it was inappropriate,” he also said. “I requested them to stop and they did. I had my conversation with Rihanna and I hope she understands where I’m coming from. We shook hands.”

He then continued on to say;

“I wish no ill will against Rihanna and her friends,” he added. “Perhaps they could acquaint themselves with a greater God.”

Reportedly traffic almost came to a standstill as people gathered by the roadside to get a look at the rare site for the Irish countryside.


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