Remember HER–Cindy Sheehan..

Just like the energizer bunny(TM) she’s still going..   we can’t imagine how, but she’s still going.

In May of last year she informed us she was done, that her son had indeed died for nothing and  she was all done being the “face” ( and may we add, one only a mother could love) of the war protesters, and that she was finished with her war protests.

As of Veterans day it seems she’s no longer done.
Her open letter to President Bush, (picked up by just about half a web site and no news groups incidentally)doesn’t make news.

Her antics have grown so entirely boring that nothing short of self immolation is going to garner her any attention, but still she keeps trying. She took our money, and conned us using a moms grief, and went home..  Thankfully.

As always, the letter she released was all about Cindy.
The catchier parts are excerpted here

“I even tried to get into Congress so I could impeach your criminal hide.”

“America is buying the hype of pre-packaged and aggressively marketed, Hope”…”If Obama does not declare a speedy and complete end to the USA’s war of terror on the world, someone should set up camp at his vacation home ”

Dang.. the poor man isn’t even in office yet and he’s getting the Cindy threats??


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One Response to “Remember HER–Cindy Sheehan..”

  1. San Fran Rev says:

    In the November 4, 2008 election, Sheehan was the only congressional candidate in the nation who outpolled a major party nominee. Sheehan placed 2nd with 17%, ahead of the Republican nominee but far behind Pelosi, the Democratic nominee.

    This was the most successful third party run for Congress in the country!!

    Go Cindy in 2010!!!