Rebecca Black Taken out of School Due to Bullying

Rebecca Black Taken out of School Due to BullyingThe huge success of Rebecca Black and her YouTube hit has led to her being bullied at school, so much so that her mother has now taken her out of school to home school her instead.

Rebecca made the revelation during an interview with ABC’s Primetime Nightline, she explained that classmates were taunting her, often singing the tune to Friday “in a nasally voice.”

“Or, you know, they’ll be like, ‘Oh hey, Rebecca, guess what day it is?'”

“It’s hard to go to school when you are so famous and to have kids constantly making fun of what’s going on,” she said.

But Rebecca claims to have pretty thick skin for a thirteen year old and she really needs it, as it’s not just at school that she’s had to bear cruel behavior. She has had to endure death threats and many horrible comments via the internet.

“I’ve had a lot of experience with not being liked and all that,” she said. “I think if I hadn’t had to deal with that in the past then I totally would have handled this differently and I would have gone down in burning flames. But I’ve learned that you just can’t let it get to you.”

Friday may have been a terribly annoying song but don’t people have more constructive things to do with their time?


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