On Sunday night angry members of Whitney Houston’s family were not at peace until they had Ray J almost physically removed from the Billboard Music Awards. It started off with them requesting their security to move Ray J away from them.
Pat Houston was especially angry because her and some of the other family members happened to be seated next to Ray J. Ray J is one of the people that Pat believes was a negative influence on Whitney. So, she waited until a few minutes before the tribute to Whitney to nicely ask her security to remove Ray J from his seat. Ray J felt as though this was uncalled for and he refused to budge however.
Ray J refusal, however, resulted into the hotel security and several uniformed officers coming to his side to physically remove him. However, before they began to remove Ray J, Pat Houston was warned that things would probably get pretty bad and be on video during Whitney’s honor so she backed down and allowed Ray J to remain in his seat.
Ray J later stated to his friends that Pat ruined what was a great opportunity to honor the woman that he loved.