PETA Praises the Circus Tour of Spears

PETA  the animal rights groups with terrorist ties,  and who recently attempted to use the appalling murder of a man in their advertising campaign have apparently found something they DO like.. they’ve applauded singer Britney Spears for deciding not to feature animals on her ‘Circus’ world tour. Speaking to RadarOnline, the organisation’s president Ingrid Newkirk, self proclaimed “media whore” said that they would be   sending flowers and a ‘thank you’ note to the singer for listening to their message.

“PETA praises Britney for embracing modern animal-free circuses like Cirque du Soleil, which spotlight human creativity and talents instead of forcing chained and beaten exotic animals to perform confusing and uncomfortable tricks,” she said.

The singer has previously come under fire from PETA for using tamed lions and elephants in a music video and dancing on stage with a yellow python at the MTV Video Music Awards.

What is the applause of that kind of group worth to Spears?


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  1. ViXeN says: