PETA–Fashion Experts–Slam Aretha

Slammed to the ground by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for her wardrobe choice at the Grammys, Aretha Franklin was awarded with the title of Worst-Dressed Celebrity of 2008 by the animal rights organization.
aretha.jpgThe Soul singer, who has some remarkably down to earth values, and of course that amazing voice, has been crowned the queen on PETA’s 2008 Worst-Dressed Celebrities List.

Further Matthews, VP of PETA added… “Why not shed the old-fashioned look that adds pounds to your frame and detracts from your beautiful voice? Won’t you donate your furs to the poor …? ”

Ah so wait.. we get it.. the POOR can WEAR furs cus they dont’ really count for anything… is that how it works??? How much more stupid do these people GET??

Ingrid and her co-horts–Mr. Matthews most notably,  apparently don’t like Ms Franklin for her choice of clothing..

No doubt she was utterly crushed  to be  slammed by Sleezy and Dopey.


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2 Responses to “PETA–Fashion Experts–Slam Aretha”

  1. Rebecca M. says:

    Dies laughing. Sleezy and Dopey? Rude but perfect.

    For the two of them to even think about critiquing fashion is hilarious. Newkirk looks like she robbed the homeless to get her wardrobe half the time.

    You probably hit the nail on the head with that poor people comment. They don’t consider them worth notice so its okay if they wear fur.

    Open mouth and insert foot for PETA one more time. One of these days the idiots who support them will actually develop a mind of their own.

    I definitely support animal welfare I just don’t support lies, not to mention the constant line up of sleeze bucket celebrities that PETA uses to promote it.

  2. Robbi says:

    Just like Sharon Stone …I’d imagine Aretha gave the comment all the attention it was deserving of.. none at all.

    I’ve always wondered why people think that PETA comments are hurtful to either person or careers…. anyone who isn’t a sheep, finds them patently amusing, or markedly pathetic.

    These are women who were raised with common sense about life.. They don’t reply to the comments.. they tend to just take out the trash and not spend time mulling over what was in it.