Paris Lawsuit Offers New Information About the Heiress

It’s a cinch the Hiltons won’t be putting Paris in charge of anything really important in the near future.

While giving a deposition this week, Paris informed them, she had never seen a cell phone bill, and wasn’t sure who paid her bills..  Heaven help the vacuous blond but we do suppose that balancing your own checkbook or paying your own bills just isn’t in the cards for a woman of her limited abilities.

Hilton denied the World Entertainment Group’s claims that her lack of promotion for the film’s DVD release cost an investor more than $8.3 million, saying: “Any chance I got, any red carpet, any press…I would just bring it up…I really, you know, did my best.”

When asked who paid her bills, her reply was ” “I don’t know. I’m assuming, like, whoever pays my bills. I never ask about that stuff.” Good job someone else is doing it then isn’t it? I think in this case,  we can safely assume she’s not going to inherit any position of real importance unless it comes with a brain as part of the package.


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