Paris Hilton says that her dream best friend is Angelina Jolie.
The heiress, who was in the UK in search of a British best friend, told Fabulous that she shares many similarities with the actress.
“I love Angelina Jolie. She’s strong but gorgeous and uses her fame for good to make a big difference in the world,” she said. “That’s a great quality. I’d have a lot in common with her.”
Now you HAVE to smile at this one. Given Jolie’s no-nonsense attitude, we’d think she’d be more like Hiltons worst nightmare.
Has anyone noted except for us, that Hiltons new BFF’s (best friends forever) just don’t seem to last long… whats forever in Hilton-speak?
Ha Ha Yea Right Like Paris&angelina Have Anythng In Common What A Retard Unles Paris Makes Out With Her Brother&cuts Herself&likes 2 Pretend Shes A Vampire Well There Is Nothng In Common With Them Other Then They Are Both Realy Fake&&stuckup&liars&pretend Like They Care About People Other Then Themselves&get Jelouse If Atention Isnt On Them &have Famouse Fathers Those Type Of People Dnt Make Good Friends I Thnk Paris Would Only Want 2 B Around Aliengelina Bcause Of Her Looks&brad&it Would Get Her Major Publicity But I Heard Aliengelina Holie &brad Pitt Turn Off The Tv When They Hear Anythng About Her So Haha
I Thnk That Paris Should No Beter People Cant Stand Her Remember When She Thought Her&victoria Beckham Would B Bffs What Did Vb Say She Lauphed & Said She Could Not Stand Her And Prety Much Wantd Her 2 Die What Do U Thnk Jolid Would Say If Vb Said That I Knw Brad Would B Furiouse If She Startd Hangng Around Paris
Um hello Paris probabally wants to hook up wiv brad i feel so sorry fro angelina watch out girl dont leave tham alone together lol!!!
Ohmigod Angelina would just NOT fit in with Paris Hilton. I can see Jolie turning her into a pretzel after a day of her blathering.
Thats just funny.
ROFLMAO. Hack hack. I dont’ think we have to worry about Pitt taking up with Paris. He’s surely got better sense than that.. Angelina might not be for everyone but I think the woman rocks,. she’s a tough cookie with a lot of common sense.
What An Airhead Heires Paris Is If They Were Friends They Would Just Compete For Spotlight And Take Each Others Men Dnt Feel Bad For Jolie Ashleigh She Stold Other Womens Men And Cheated On One Of Her Hubbys So If Paris Did Still Brad Well U Knw What They Say Karma Is A B**ch plus i dnt thnk brad would like paris even if he is knwn 4 cheating paris is to plain&skiny like jen aniston was i thnk if he could pick anyone 2 replace jolie it would be salma hayek cause shes beautiful has big boobs a small stomach&big curues plus beautiful accent