There have been numerous reports flying around various different newspapers and online over the last few days stating that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne had spilt up and were going to divorce. Ozzy Osbourne has acted quickly to dispel all of those rumours by posting a message on his Facebook page.
Ozzy, 64, and Sharon, 60, have both been spotted out and about recently without their wedding rings, and Sharon has also moved into a new house some two miles from Ozzy, both of which sparked the rumour mills into overdrive. Ozzy released a message clearly stating that he and Sharon, his wife of 31 years, “are not divorcing.”
The complete message read, “For the last year and a half I have been drinking and taking drugs. I was in a very dark place and was an a*****e to the people I love most, my family. However, I am happy to say that I am now 44 days sober. Just to set the record straight, Sharon and I are not divorcing. I’m just trying to be a better person. I would like to apologize to Sharon, my family, my friends and my band mates for my insane behaviour during this period………and my fans.”
Ozzy simply signed off by saying, “God Bless, Ozzy (sic).”
Make of that statement what you will, but many people will say that if it wasn’t for Sharon, Ozzy would not have got through his numerous addiction problems over the years. As for not wearing their wedding rings that could be for a number of reasons could it not, and according to a source close to Sharon the pair are living apart, but that is for work reasons only.
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have been married for over 30 years and seem destined to spend the rest of their lives together despite their recent problems. Lets hope they can come out the other side of this latest episode and live a long and happy life together.