Over the Top and THEN Some

It seems that things we might think over the top for our VP candidate when male, just don’t apply for the females. The porn industry, with a little nudge from… whom… offers us a spoof of Sarah in a porno film entitled “who’s nailin Paylin?”

The pornographic spoof of Sarah Palin was shot over the weekend in the San Fernando Valley according to reports.

Plotline?? — two drunk Russians  runs out of gas in front of Paylin’s home..driving  a tank of course.,.. you get the idea.
The star – Lisa Ann – ran her lines for TMZ  before the shooting began and according to TMZ its quite entertaining..

I would certainly think that any sentient American woman would raise some kind of hue and cry about this, since if it happens to Palin, it certainly says a great deal about the state of sexism in the US..  and it could happen to anyone..

Well anyone that is.. except Hillary.

It is  to be noted that no one’s to date  seen Hillary in the light of a sex symbol/porno type (not even Bill.. as we recall)

To see the original photos check out Nailin Paylin


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