For only the second time in history of the US, octuplets have been born that survived more than just a few hours.
The eight babies were born to a woman whose doctor describes her as a “Strong woman” well able to care for eight babies.
The woman has stated she plans to breast feed all eight of them.
Weighing in at just over a pound, to a bit more than three pounds, the babies were all delivered by C section in a California hospital near Los Angeles. Three required ventilators to breath, the others did not. So far all of the babies have survived.
The 46 member medical team did get a bit of a shocker though. Expecting a multiple birth, they thought that they had it narrowed down to 7 babies they were expecting. Number eight popped out as a shocker for everyone, mom and medical team alike.
All of the babies will require an incubator for about 6 weeks.