Barack Obama‘s former pastor doesn’t Do Oprah apparently.. saying she’s only “an entertainer, not a politician” who doesn’t “care” about social policy and can’t help the poor at all. (Anyone but us think this man looks psychotic?)
His words are semi tough but does he have a point? Our humble opinion finds that the simple truth is, quite often its the politicians who don’t care and the entertainers and simple folks who do.
Checking out the healthcare bill, which seems quite over the top in requesting what amounts to suicide counseling and less carefor people over a certain age, we’d have to say it might be Oprah who stands head and shoulders above those “caring politicians” in our world.
Since Oprah left his church some time back, rumor has it because of the incendiary and incredibly bigoted comments of this mentor to President Obama, do you think it might be a case of sour grapes?
Check out his sermons and see for yourself why the Oprah may not be overly approving.
Check out his Oprah commentary here