No Jenny Craig for Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson

Both tabloids and bloggers have recently gone nuts about the fact that Jessica Simpson seems to have gained a few pounds. Some have even claimed that she will become a spokesperson for the weight loss company Jenny Craig. But this is soooo not true, according to E! Online.

According to a statement issued by Jenny Craig and obtained by E! Online, the company has no intention what so ever of working with Simpson. “Ms. Simpson has publicly stated that she is healthy, feels great and is very happy with her body. We would agree. Ms. Simpson looks fantastic and we see no reason for her to participate in a weight management program.”

Over the years, many famous and curvy women have served as spokeswomen for the well-known weight loss company including Bill Clinton’s “mistress” Monica Lewinsky, actress Kirstie Alley, singer/actress Queen Latifah and “The Cosby Show” star Phylicia Rashad.


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One Response to “No Jenny Craig for Jessica Simpson”

  1. matt says:

    jessica is so freakin hot..nothin better than a real woman that’s comfortable with her own body image!