New Racy Photos of Miley Cyrus Leaked Again

New Racy Photos of Miley Cyrus Leaked Again

Another set of racy photos of the 15-year-old Hannah Montana star, Miley Cyrus, has surfaced the internet again.

Do you think the photos are too sexy and provocative for a fifteen year old?

Click here to see the other leaked photos of Miley Cyrus.

New Racy Photos of Miley Cyrus Leaked Again

New Racy Photos of Miley Cyrus Leaked Again


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47 Responses to “New Racy Photos of Miley Cyrus Leaked Again”

  1. 123 says:


  2. mallory says:


  3. Candy says:

    Omg i hate her she is on disney channle and all these girls look up to her she’s a tramp i feel so mad for her dad what a sham he thinks she is such a good girl but what ever her teeth are gross and she’s ugly>>>>>>>>>

  4. Travis says:

    Ha Candy what do you know about miley you can kiss ass.

  5. Christopher says:

    Miley Cyrus is a slut!!!!!!! She’s not hot at all. In fact she’s ugly. EVERYONE HATES YOU MILEY CYRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Titty Taylor says:

    that guy is ugly xD

  7. SeXXiiE says:

    TrUe..!!! MiiLeY iiZ A F**kiiN HoE ..!!! ShE Be ThiiNkiiNq MaD HOt BuT ShE NoT AnD pOOr LiiTlE KiiDz ThAt ThiiNk Of Her As A RoLe MoDeL …!! WtF ShE dOnT DeSERvE SuCh A GuD CaReEr CaUsE ShE dOnT EvEn KnOw HoW To SiiNq LiiKe WtF ShE MaD BuTt AnD ThE GuY PlEaZe He MAd FeA… MiiLeY MakEs a GuD CuPlE WiiiT AnOtHer muNkEy … MuNkEy+ MuNkEy= MiiLeY By DeE WaY iiF YoUh dOnT GEt iiT AnD YoUr SlOw SHE LOOKS LIIKE A F**KIN MUNKEY dUrF…!!! SeXXiiE WaZ HeRe

  8. kayla says:

    dude i used to love her but now all she is turning out to be is a minor britany spaers and watch next thsng ys no kids are gonna F****N start pouring out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. guera says:

    wtf iz rong wif h3r lyk kum on thers lots of lil gurls dat lyk her n shes being a bad model 4 them lyk who wuld want ther role model to b actin lyk a stripper dat probably wuld turn 2 a slut. i wuldnt i wuld lyk a role model dat iz doin da opposite of miley n vanessa lyk sum 1 u can stand up 2 dat wont do stupid shit lyk evry 1 wants 2 b famous bt y do dey want 2 b famous if der gana b doin dose kind or stuff. if i wher famous i wuldnt chose da rong path osea y do ppl lyk miley do dose stuff – do dey want attention, ther so desprate, dey want ppl to notice them or wat cuz diz iz jus so messed up n wats up wif plastic surgery EVRY ONE IZ BEAUTIFUL in ther own image n miley she was beautiful till she got all messed up so i wuld lyk to keep goin bt its to l8 n io gotta go dnt have time wif diz shit —– her bf looks lyk a ugly nerd-demon-mutha f*ka d**k s*ker dats on crack, osea nick jonas iz SOOOOOOOO much betta i wuld so break up wif dat mutha f*ka [[Thomas Sturges]] YUCK!!!!

  10. GUERA says:

    shut up cus she aint close
    to b a hotty

  11. booo says:

    any one who thinks she is ugly van go to f***in hell

  12. shley says:

    she is UGLY than eva she is always going 2 be that poor gurl that wants attention. i almost PUKE when i saw these ******* photos hahahaha she looks UGLY . and she always going to be UgLY lol lol lol haha.

  13. xXxjessxXx says:

    OMFG sum of yu r fukin hypocrits u called her a slut 4 takin pics of her n her boyfriend whopdefukindoo so ur saying u ave neva taken a picture of yu n ur boyfriend snuggleing up on a sofa or a bed, kissing or jst posin 4 pics. n sum of yu say shes ugly wel maybe dats cuz yu dnt own a mirror 2 see how yu look evrydaii, she is pretty. n ffs stop goin on bwt her fans n hw shes bein a bad role model shes 15 ffs your makin it sound lik she cant ave a fukin lyf of her own 4 cryin out loud some of yew go out n probs get drunk heck i bet half of yew ave lost ur verginity n ur callin her a slut well look in da mirror cuz yu aint no different. she has apologised 4 da pics n as people ave sed she was manipulated into doin them so get a fukin lyf. n hu eva sed she dnt deserve 2 be an actress well if yu were her yu wuld do exactly da fuking same n jst cuz yu cant sing yu say she cant sing n evry1 likes differ fings some like rock sum lik pop sum like R&B so lay off all da bitchyness cuz i fink shes learnt her lesson

  14. guguzf says:

    oh mein got

  15. She wants a damn normal life!!Erm like none of yo bitc*hes out there want a body like that and btw there are people worse than that i mean her top or bra is sticking out !!ZOMG!! arh please u sould see Lindsay Lohan!!Oh and i agree wit xXxJessxXx…. oh and guera and all the other people kids dont see this maby like 13 year old’s like me, but i dont care coz i have a life unlike all you , other people telling her what to to and what not to do…you dont have a life!!

  16. Raia says:

    Why are ya’ll hating on the girl. She’s obviously more successful than all of you guys. You have nothing better to do than to rain on her parade. Ya’ll suck and ya’ll have no lives. If she wants to take those pics that’s her business. I don’t agree with them being posted on the internet but those pictures alone does not define her true character. When was the last time you took a picture like that on myspace, facebook? Shall we start calling you guys sluts, whores, tramps? And she’s not ugly….p.s all of yall can kick rocks!!!

  17. not miley fan says:

    Miley is so dork .
    May 26th, 2008 06:00 dude i used to love her but now all she is turning out to be is a minor britany spaers and watch next thsng ys no kids are gonna F****N start pouring out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    JJJEEEEESSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I note more Miley best fan . Im not mileys fan . I HATE MILEY CYRUS !!!!

  18. alex says:

    hey, not miley fan im with u I think Miley is a dork and she is so CRAZY i wouldn’t date her . I hate her she is a b**** I prefer the girls that are more reserved .
    so every girl that is against her Call me.
    well i dont have all the time because Im a model and I appear in teen magazines.
    so girls against miley, can hang out with me any time. Besides when i ReAd Your comments against Miley, it Just sounds really sexxyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

  19. Martin says:

    she is not a bad actor and she is a teen she has to get loose(not in a bad way) but i have to admit that she was a little out of line and she should be alittle more descreet about her privet life!

  20. Hannah Wallace says:


  21. Frank says:


    Yeah she’s hot.

    But thats gotta be the end of her Disney carrear.

    So hot – yeah

    Brains? AWOL

  22. katy says:

    these pictures dont even look like miley! they look like a miley look alike then her. but seriously shes a slut if those r her!!

  23. markie says:

    Everything in hollywood is fake anyway and the photographer is a lesbian so there’s all these horny lesbians and paparazzi making up stories.

  24. savy says:

    i realy like miley as a friend and i hope she will try to be better an i knew that all teenagers go thourgh this and i hope every one would lay off her she is a good person under every thing and i pray that she will become a realy godly woman and then she could bean idal to every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so lay off her she is a good child of the most high god just like all of you (i hope).and if you talk bad bout her u are no better than her.

  25. savy says:

    listen yall dont know how mad it make me when all yall are being mean to her shes a girl and at least shes not as bad as them other people. i dont agree with with what she dose but god gave us a chance so you should give her a ya all

  26. Mei says:

    Hey you guise are all being hard on her. Of course she has made some bad mistakes but that gives you no reason to hate some one. I bet pictures of you (like hers) would be up on the internet too if you were famous because the stupid media has no idea what It’s like to be on the other side of the camera and neither do you guise. Shame on you for such trash your talking about her! I don’t like her music and I don’t like her show but that is no reason to go out and say something like that about somebody you don’t even know. Because one day that could be you and it could be a false or artworked picture of you just hanging out with your friends or family. So just think about that!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. a.j says:

    miley is a great grl i lov her music and shows and im sure yall have made mistakes not just her just give the girl a break she just made some mistakes she is a great person and im sure u wuldnt like peaople talking about you in a bad way neither does she so dont be mean give her a chance cause shes a normal human being just like u all so remember that

  28. roxie says:

    Wow! she is such a skank!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. lexii says:

    miley cyrus wants attention from the media and unfortunatly she is going the wrong way about it, she looks like a tramp. Barf anyone who thinks she is pretty has bad taste. he face is too oily and her hair looks like shit.

  30. jenny says:

    You all are a bunch of retards! Stop saying she’s a bitch and a tramp cause I highly doubt you hang out with her and actually know for a fact. Stop putting out opinions on people you know nothing about. Instead look in the mirror and figure out whats wrong with yourself cause I bet you don’t have a lot going on for yourself.
    “Sexxie” or however you spelled it you are so lame. Go back to school and try to pass English. You sound like a complete idiot.
    Alex.. your not a model so stop making crap up cause if you really modeled on teen magazine covers I doubt you would be on lame sites like this telling people to call you.
    Get a life of your own people:)

  31. omg says:

    why you all call her a slut?
    she isn´t a slut…!!
    she have her own live and she can do what she want!!
    she is 15 and knew what she have done and she is sorry!!
    and all who called her ugly….you just want to be like her!!!
    miley you are soo sweet!!

  32. omg says:

    and she isn´t a bitch and all of you have make pictures like this allready, of course!!!

  33. richard says:

    miley is so hot & should make even dirtyer pics

  34. jinx says:

    ok- the guy is f** kin ugly as hell but thas cuz thas the best she can do he looks gay shes a total skank but she duznt evn look good doin it shes not pretty at all n shes jus like evry other one of those disney channel whores like hilary duff theyre both ugly and none of them can sing idk wth they think theyre point in life is but w/e she thinks shes amazing wen actually like only lil girls 10 and under like her shes one more pointless wanna be actor whos acting sux my whole entire states population is anti miley cyrus –the ugly ass c*nt

  35. sara says:

    what the hell is wrong with her all these kids look up to her and she does this what a dumass, she had to take pics of her self in her cellphone shes a celebrity everyone just wants something against her and one thing they can get is from her cellphone and i heard her boyfriend was the producers son what a hore dont get me wrong i dont do stupid stuff like that take photos of myself and send it to my boyfriend if you want to be sexual why take pictures i dont know why you want it as a memorie your probably gonna break up with your boyfriend anyway shes young and full of it do all this shit when your 18 and an adult then maybe she wont get as much complaints as now but i still think miley is fake including her singing and her acting i mean come on have you seen her omg its hilarious how bad of an actor she is do you know what i think all of us want to see her fall i dont give a shit what happens AND i know its karma…. as they say karma is a bitch dont waste your time standing up for her she needs it..

  36. TETRIX says:

    HOLY SHIT> she is not ugly? what u people talking about?

    whats wrong with you peoples eyes,open them up.

    she is definiteyl not ugly, but not too good looking as well.

    xXxjessxXx I AGREE WITH YOU.

    all you people who sed she was a slut and ugly, go look in the mirror and think about yourself for a bit. look im a guy, im 16, and i admit i’ve seen better days.

    all you people who say bad stuff about here are hypocrites!

    you go get a life, leave the young star alone. shes only 15 ffs, you would do the same thing, getting a boyfriend/girlfriend, you get too excited and rushed into the moment to think clearly, so what if shes taking photos of herself, give her some room. Shes just a person, like any of us. she is not a bad actor, sara ,. you try and go up there, and note shes young and a beginner.

    dont make bad comments about people unless you truly knew their intentions.

  37. P.J. says:

    SeXXiiE- u are retarded. how are u gonna call Miley a slut and everything when your display name is “SeXXiiE”? you’re probably ugly anyways!

  38. Giovanna says:

    YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO LAME! THOSE OF YOU WHO SAY SHES A SL*t OR ANY OTHER BAD NAME SHOULD REALLY LISTEN TO HOW PATHETIC YOU SOUND. SHES A TEENAGE GIRL!!! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!?!?! I’M A TEENAGE GIRL TOO! I DON’T THINK HER PICTURES ARE BAD WHAT SO EVER! SHE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO LIVE UP TO A SQUEAKY CLEAN IMAGE BECAUSE THATS NOT NORMAL!!!! I would rather look up to a normal girl than a robotic girl who doesn’t make mistakes. Miley is a teenage girl just like me! Hey i like to take pictures with my friends! Maybe not exactly like that but thats her choice! NONE of you should be saying ANYTHING!!! about her when you dont even know her!!! It’s so ANNOYING how everyone tries to bring down the stars as soon as they realize their not roboticlly perfect. Like JESUS TOLD A STORY. These people were going to kill this woman for commiting adultery. And as they were all complaining about how what a bad person she was and about to stone her JESUS SAID “HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN SHALL THROW THE FIRST STONE”.. then they all backed away.Think about that saying the next time you want to make somebody feel bad. Just because shes a CELEBRITY does not mean shes not a person. I know it might come as a shocker to all of you. BUT SHE IS HUMAN!–Signed. a Fourteen year old girl

  39. DJ MASACRE says:

    shes a teenage girl. exactly, she shouldnt be acting so innapropriate .

    and aside from that. do any of you know how to fucking type or spell ?

    its NOT the new thing to b t4lkin lyk dis, its just stupid

    learn how to type , stop typing like a retarded txtn machine or something

    and yes, when Cyrus actually turns into a slut and starts having kids when shes 18, youll see morons.

    anyway either way, she should not be a role model

    the only reason we are saying these pictures are no good, because she is on the FAMILY CHANNEL

    FAMILY CHANNEL is suppose to appeal to little kids like 4-10 .. not fucking 14 year old clueless girls.

    last thing little girls need to hear and see is a teenager who is laying in bed with her boyfriend, possibly exposing herself etc..

    if she wasnt on family channel, then you can leave it alone, but she HAS a responsibility to look ¨SQUEAKY CLEAN¨, otherwise she should not be on a FAMILY channel …

    think about it kids ..

    its just like Paris Hilton or Britney, even after all their outrageous poor role-model behaviors .. people still think it would be ok to expose their young children or teenagers to their music or brainless TV shows.

    give me a break, there is more intelligent things out there to show your kids. you can show them, rather than let TV show them for you and let them find their own mistakes .

    theres too many naive girls out there who end up dressing or acting like idiots , and they dont know any better because nobody will tell them otherwise, and all they see is stupid people on TV / MTV whatever who they think its the normal way ….

    seriously people … THIS is reality, and you have to put an end to it. period.

  40. DJ MASACRE says:

    and people please… it takes 10 seconds to type a word into google to find this page, you can have a ¨life¨and still take 10 seconds to try and educate you morons on a few things …

    having a life is one thing .. but being well educated and understanding the difference between what is good and what is fake in this world may help you a lot to not grow up clueless.

    stop watching MTV, paris hilton, britney spears, cyrus .. unfortunately, they are NOT good role models anymore … as much as you may THINK they are from what they make you think on TV . you people have a lot to learn about the world, 😉

  41. Soph!e says:

    I don’t think people are seeing the bigger picture. People are calling her a slut, and ugly. But instead of hating on her, we should all feel sorry for her. It is a real shame that a girl of 15 years of age is being constantly being judged. Hollywood is so hard on all the stars, whether they might be adult or child/teen stars.

    I’m 23, and I remember what its like to be 15. You are incredibly insecure, and you need to do silly things like what cyrus did, to prove your womanhood, and how sexy you are. I see girls doing stuff like that all the time, and I feel so bad for them. Society just slaps sex in our faces, and sets these completely unreasonable expectations for women of all ages. So women are already put under so much stress, imagine Cyrus being in the spotlight.

    I know the pictures were leaked on purpose, and it’s unfortunate. I think instead of writing nasty messages, we should be more compassionate, and understanding. I hope to God, she will find that inner peace within herself where she won’t feel the pressure to succumb to these horrible expectations, and won’t need to flaunt her sexuality.

    Young girls need good moral support, and guidance because it is such a difficult time for us girls. So to conclude this ramble, I don’t agree with her choice, but I send her hugs. X0x0x0x

  42. DJ MASACRE says:

    sadly, too many girls will never learn, or choose to learn, and continue down this path, unless she has the right people in her life to guide her.

    lets hope for the best and see what happens in the next 10 years. … 🙂

  43. ... LOL ... says:

    I used tu look up tu her an think she was ‘All that’ Buh she has just ruined it bii taiikin all these Dirty Pikss … Miley Yu hav jus wasted yurself … Yu hav let down yur fans an made a fool of yurself … x

  44. Soph!e says:

    LOL! I just saw more photos of her in the past. The poor girl is going to be labeled for the rest of her life as being a slut. LOL! I think shes done her career now. I have little 6-7 year old nieces who just started watching Hannah Montana, I really don’t want them too anymore. Its unfortunate, but I really don’t want Miley rubbing off on my nieces.

  45. surgeons says:

    These photos really aren’t that racy if you look at them objectively. People are so much into hyping Miley Cyrus’ every move.

  46. SEO says:

    How many times have we seen this. She’ll be doing some different kind of music soon. Maybe not so innocent.

  47. candyfloss says:

    i dont like miley that ,much but some of u people have said quite a lot of rude things.she dos over accting in Hannah Montanna but i guess she’s allright!but still these pics ARE a little wild!!