New Harry Potter Play is Set to Hit

JK Rowlings Announces New Harry Potter Play

JK Rowlings made the announcement that the new Harry Potter play is all set to go, and anyone that wants to watch it is in for a great treat!

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is going to be the next saga for the stories, and follows the lives of Harry and the rest of the gang as they grow and find out what reproduction can do to children when their parents have been through such an ordeal.

If you’re a huge Harry Potter fan, than this is the play you’re going to want to see when it comes to watching something that truly lives on, even after so many years from having the books out, so many people still want to know more about the story and what happens after everyone has gone their separate ways and created families of their own.

This is What JK Rowlings Brought to Theaters

While she is saying that it is not going off of the books, it is still something that carries on the storyline and even all of the same characters. Some also wanted to know why she chose to do a play instead of writing another book for the story and this was answered with the fact that this was the only medium that fit the story that she was about to tell. It was the best way to get the story across to everyone that wishes to know more about Harry.

She has released quite a few books surrounding Harry Potter such as the back story on why his aunt and her family hates him so much, or different viewpoints and so on, but this is to be one of the biggest releases and many people are already considering flocking the theaters to watch one of the best plays. Some even wonder if Harry Potter’s actual character, Daniel Radcliffe, is going to play Harry on the big stage since this is what he does now.

As for right now, there are no definite release dates but it is going to be sometime soon. We are all anticipating the dates however, and making sure that we have our tickets ready.


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