New Entertainment Study Reveals… The Already Obvious..

Study Amazingly, although we use sexually graphic literature and videos as aids in artificial insemination clinics and the like.. another study has been done about the effects of “sexually charged television shows”.

This particular study suggests that the teen-agers who watch the shows considered to be racy are twice as likely to become parents early.

In the new study, which appears in this months issue of “Pediatrics,” researchers surveyed 2,003 children aged 12 to 17 in 2001, then followed up with them in 2002 and 2004.

The researchers did not include in the study which  TV shows they considered to be “sexually charged”.

The study’s findings show that “what children see on screen affects their behavior in real life,” said Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis,who is the professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington, and  studies kids and television.

Does it occur to anyone that we could have used the funding from an entertainment study whose results we already knew, to fund that birth control??


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